"I think even if they left the doors wide open, we wouldn't have the strength to crawl through them."
What a predicament. Two of them almost wiped out by the effects of radiation sickness; one of them also ill and without the feeling in his legs; and the youngest facing a terrifying journey in the dark through an alien forest. Twice!
Grim, claustrophobic and frightening. The Doctor is wonderful here. We start to see some of his more familiar character traits as opposed to the bluff and bluster and selfishness we have seen so far, even if he is still willing to seemedly abandon Barbara. His confession to the mercury link deception is alien and direct: in essence "Don't worry, I lied, so we can still get out of here." Ian is heroic and strong, refusing to leave without her. But when the Doctor is brought before the Daleks, we are left feeling that it is they, rather than he, who have been interrogated. William Hartnell performs this scene beautifully, both weak and defiant, kneeling in front of them, struggling to stand.
What a fantastic moment when the camera pulls back and we see, and hear, the metal meanies for the very first time.
And when poor Susan, having only just reached the sanctuary of the TARDIS has to turn, open the doors and step out again into the unwelcoming night... well, my goodness me.
Next episode: The Escape