I watched on our big new lcd telly and the picture quality stood up really well, but I think I might resort to something smaller and more intimate for the next ep.
We’re so familiar with the format of the programme now and yet here it is brand new, and achingly original. Verity Lambert and Waris Hussein were young and fresh, and she determined. And it really shows.
I know they had plenty of time to rehearse and practice this episode, but it’s beautifully acted and choreographed and it’s great to see William Hartnell unflustered and word perfect.
And I love the end, the way there are beats to register that the Police Box has moved, then the shadow on the floor and finally the start of the theme. I love the way Kal at the start of the next episode keeps his position to allow for the captions and indeed for the whole next scene. Putting silence and pace into a production takes confidence. Russell T. must approve.
I don’t want this blog to be a review of each episode, there are plenty of reviews around for those who want them. Nor will there be any criticism for this is a labour of love.
I just want to record my thoughts, chiefly so I can look back on them in about six years when I finish. Occasionally I may have indulged in a small glass of red as I watched and so I apologise in advance for any gushing or eulogising!
Next episode: The Cave of Skulls