"Kal is not stronger than the whole tribe."
Best bits?
The way the tribe stand up from behind rocks at the beginning, literally preventing the Doctor and his companions reaching the TARDIS and safety, a fundamental tenet of the series.
The obliging way Horg stands still squinting at the horizon long enough for the episode title and writer credit to be displayed. Don't get me wrong, I realise how important that was back then.
The Doctor tricking Kal into revealing his knife covered in blood and manipulating the tribe into driving him out, literally casting the first stone himself.
The imagery of the skulls burning.
Barbara taking a very convincing tumble as she flees through the jungle.
The way our travellers are covered in muck and dirt by the end of the adventure; they actually look as if they have been through the story.
Our guys literally being chased back to the TARDIS at the end and making it by a whisper.
And the best bit of all?
When we at last see the inside of the TARDIS again, that marvellous incredible set that I can't help feeling viewers must have been gagging to see again after all that time in the caves. And the way the travellers instantly resume their old argument now that they are safely inside.
And the delicious radiation dial swinging to 'Danger' instantly flagging up the foundation of the next serial. Less is definately more in old Dr Who.
Next Episode: The Dead Planet