
Saturday, 7 February 2015

The Tyrant Of France

"Death, always death..."

Yay, it's cartoon time!  I've always loved cartoons.

Yes, of course I'm sorry that the original episodes are missing, but these animated episodes are rather fun and, I suspect, somewhat moodier in appearance than the television versions.  Interesting too to see a very different style of animation to 'The Ice Warriors' and again to the sublime 'The Invasion'.

This image on the interweb confused me for a minute...

Until, of course, I remembered the telesnaps from the episode.  I've just watched the first five minutes of a telesnap reconstruction and it's very dull and clunky compared to the animation.  Still, it's good to see what Keith Anderson, the actor playing a rather haunted Robespierre, actually looked like.

More cartoons next week...

Next episode: A Bargain of Necessity