
Saturday, 7 February 2015

Prisoners of Conciergerie

"Funny, I get the impression they don't know where they're heading for."

Very perspicacious of you, Monsieur Lemaitre er.. Stirling.

Seeing Barbara and Ian dressed up as an inn keeper and a serving wench is a delight and instantly put me in mind of 'Allo 'Allo.  I half expected Rene to turn up at any moment.  Instead, it's Napoleon! Funny old day.

I like the scene at the end using, very effectively, a small part of the TARDIS set...

"Our Destiny is in the stars and we must go and search for it."

And so ends the first and wholly memorable season of Doctor Who.

As a child, and particularly after a historical story, the title of the next episode would have had me squirming with anticipation.  For six weeks as it turned out.

Next episode: Planet Of Giants