"These things haven't been made bigger; we've been made smaller."
A new season and a very fresh feeling start, which is odd given that this story was recorded directly after 'The Reign of Terror'. I confess that this is one of my favourite early Dr Who stories. It's a concept I adore, it's by one of my favourite writers Louis Marks (who, I've just noticed, isn't credited in the above listing) and realised by one of my favourite directors, Mervyn Pinfield. Both of whom may well deserve a column of their own. It also features the first music for the series by Dudley Simpson (another column), fabulous design by Ray Cusick (one more) and some direction by Douglas Camfield (how long have you got?)
Right well, on with the motley. The Doctor has a new cloak...
and the others are all back in sixties gear. With the dialogue, the TARDIS doors opening in flight, and the exploding scanner screen we're straight back in the realms of the very first episode and 'The Edge of Destruction'.
Ray Cusick's sets are wonderful...
The confrontation between Forester and the smoking Farrow makes Dr Who suddenly feel very grown-up and contemporary. And in a few lines of dialogue we have back story for both characters, one keen to get away and go sailing in France, the other desperate because he is about to go bust.
Ian survives his trip in the matchbox...
...but poor Farrow is not so lucky.
"That's not thunder, surely," says Susan. And it wasn't.
As a child this shot would surely have given me nightmares. Fantastic.
So, we have a very technically ambitious and well realised episode with a strong environmental theme. Worth noting, because it's still a good five years before Barry Letts takes over.
Next episode: Dangerous Journey