"In all humility, I beg you. Do not deceive me or prove false to me."
What a cracking episode. It brims with clever and dramatic dialogue, and there are some marvellously touching moments between Barbara and Autloc as we all come to realise that it is Tlotoxl who is the norm in Aztec society and Autloc the exception. Barbara is deflated by this and sad to deceive Autloc, but our four must do everything now to gain entrance to the tomb.
The Doctor does his bit by charming Cameca; a little too much as it turns out as he unwittingly becomes engaged. It's amusing to see him take this in his stride and even be prepared to use it to his advantage. Another hint of his alienness here, he is entirely focused on getting to the TARDIS with little thought for the sincerity of Cameca's feelings.
It's great to see the gloves come off between Barbara and Tlotoxl - she confesses to him alone that she is false and then dares him to face ruin by revealing her. He in turn tries, rather clumsily, to poison her.
At last there is an, albeit watery, tunnel into the tomb and we sense that everything is drawing to a climax in:
Next episode: The Day of Darkness