"Choice? What choice?"
The Voord are genuinely creepy, wetsuits in various forms will be used throughout Dr Who in the future.
I like the first modelwork in the series with the island,
the miniature TARDIS materialising (first use of the phrase in this episode I understand)
and the Voord ships beaching on the er... beach.
I like the way the Dalek shaped doors are repeated in this alien city only they're triangular now, matching the Voords' headgear.
Arbitan has obviously gone to the same school of fluffing as William Hartnell who is all over the place in this episode.
He has a new hairdo too, perhaps that's what did it.
It's unclear why Ian didn't just deck Arbitan and make him release the TARDIS, but hey they're already feeling guilty about not helping, so maybe that's why they all go along with it. I like the way the Doctor is unphased by the size of the wrist transporters and seems to actively enjoy the experience.
The effect of our travellers jaunting off is good enough for those days,
and by sending poor Barbara off ahead and finding her wristband with blood on it we have a cliffhanger for precisely no cost at all. Genius.
Here are some lovely production photos....
Other things I liked? The way that glimpses of what's outside the open TARDIS doors can always be seen in these early stories. The way the regular cast are so convincing on a small set...
The fact that Ian still wears his lovely jacket from Marco Polo's court as a gentle reminder to the viewer of what has gone before, but the others have changed and the Doctor has had his hair done and so time has obviously elapsed on board TARDIS.
The way once again they are physically prevented from leaving where they have landed.
And the revolving doors of the city that draw everyone in. The scene where a Voord is holding a knife waiting for Susan and is suddenly, bewilderingly, rotated inside is a great way of saving one of our heroines from jeopardy.
All in all, very enjoyable. Did I mention that the pictures are moving?
Next episode: The Velvet Web