
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Crisis, What Crisis? Or... The Urge To Live

I rather enjoyed the 'reconstructed' episodes on the DVD release of this story even if it was a bit clumsy and hammy in places.  Lovely to see William Russell and Carole Ann Ford so enthusiastic and, uniquely for this story, still alive!

However, after watching the transmitted version of 'Crisis' there's no doubt in my mind that Donald Wilson's decision to edit them down was the right one.  The murder plot is long and dull and the telephone exchange scenes are just plain annoying.  Plus we're spared the trauma of the poor dead cat!  Wilson's reasoning in his letter seems odd though...

Unless he simply means that they'd have liked to have had more of the miniature scenes and a lot less of the others which is, of course, what he got after the edit.